

Summer 2014

I was a Design and UI/UX intern at CaptureProof, a medical media startup that provides a HIPAA-compliant platform for sharing photos and video between doctors and patients.

iPhone Mockups

An example of the mockups I made for the iPhone app. For all my work, I first sketched out ideas and ran them by the CEO. Once she was satisfied, I made higher fidelity mockups in Photoshop. By the end of my internship I had produced mockups for all the main functionalities available in the mobile app at that time.

UI sketches


initial screen to final

From initial view to re-design


See all wireframes

Balsamiq mockup of sign-up page

The sign-up process

The CEO wanted a re-design of the onboarding process, to make the mobile and web applications feel consistent. I was tasked with creating Balsamiq wireframes for inviting patients and onboarding doctors through the web app, then re-creating a similar flow with the mobile app.

Other Projects

Customer engagement email design

Given the small startup environment, I was also asked to design for immediate startup needs.

  • Customer engagement email design, using MailChimp
  • Website mockups for the about, FAQ and tutorial pages
  • Executive summaries for the business lead
  • Business cards
  • Stickers
  • VC deck graphics
  • Social media graphics
  • Library of iOS and web assets
